Record-breaking aviator, Polly Vacher, is due to land at Leeds Bradford Airport this month on the final leg of her Wings Around Britain flight.

Polly, who holds the record for the smallest aircraft to be flown solo around the world by a woman, started her flight around UK airfields, to raise awareness of the charity Flying Scholarships for the Disabled, on May 21.

Her aim is to be the first person to fly to all 206 airfields in Jeppesen's Manual of the British Isles.

To raise awareness for the charity she is also flying as many disabled passengers as she can during the flight.

Polly will land at Leeds Bradford on Friday, July 27, at 4.30pm, courtesy of private aviation company Multiflight which will stage a welcome reception, along with Yeadon Air Training Corps, for the aviator and her disabled flying guest.