Residents today paid tribute to an elderly woman who died following a road accident.

People in Mary Street, Saltaire, were shocked to hear of the death on Saturday of 77-year-old Connie Elsworth who had lived there all her life.

Miss Elsworth was well known in the street and throughout the world heritage village for picking up litter from pavements wherever she went.

She died in Bradford Royal Infirmary at the weekend after she was in an accident with a blue Audi A3 in Exhibition Road, not far from her home, at about 7.30pm on Friday as she walked her white poodle Cindy.

Miss Elsworth's friend Joan Coulton, 83, said Mary Street would never be the same without her.

She said: "We all always used to say that. She was such a kind soul and always out and about picking up litter. She lived here all her life but never married. She never went anywhere with out her dog Cindy who was her rock.

"We will miss her so much especially me, she used to come round every day for a couple of hours and a chat. She used to bring back everyone's bins after collection day too."

Another neighbour Madge Smith, 72, said: "I'm so sad that she's gone. She used to keep this street spotless, it was her thing. Everyone in Saltaire would recognise her, she was quite a character, a lovely lady."

Mary Street resident Debbie Spencer, 43, said: "She was very quiet and kept herself to herself but she was known by lots of people."

Susan Killen, 55, who lives near Exhibition Road said: "People would know her in the village as the woman walking the white dog, she was always bending down to pick up litter. She was said to have the shiniest doorstep in the whole of Saltaire."

Police are appealing for anyone who saw the incident to call (01535) 617059.