Licensees are pushing for the streets of Wibsey to be turned into an alcohol exclusion zone.

Licensees in the area yesterday met ward Councillor David Green (Lab) and Police Licensing Officer Su Dawson after previous meetings had brought up the issue of people drinking in the streets.

Jason Courcoux, licensee of the Ancient Foresters, who chaired the meeting of the village's Pub Watch group, said: "In previous meetings we have all discussed what a good idea it would be to introduce an alcohol exclusion zone, for two main reasons.

"Firstly, it would help our neighbours. Secondly, I have recently got my licence to open later, but the main concern of the councillors was drinking in the streets."

Mr Courcoux told the Telegraph & Argus the main problem was customers taking drinks with them as they moved from pub to pub.

He said: "Residents are getting fed up of the smashed glass and general nuisance this brings about and at the moment the police do not really have any powers to prevent them."

At the meeting, Julie Beestin, joint licensee of the White Swan in High Street, said: "Complaints are coming from people down the back streets.

"I think at the end of the night people are walking off with their glasses and bottles and dumping them in people's gardens."

Coun Green said one of the major issues concerning the group's application was defining the boundaries where it would be enforced.

He said: "We are going to need the 100 per cent support of the police and all the licensed premises. But now, if we are in a position where we can work a way forward, the councillors in this area are more than happy to support any application because of the complaints we get about the morning after with the bottles and the litter people find lying around in their gardens and on the streets.

"We tried to do it about six or seven years ago and at the time it fell on some problems with the Council's legal department and, as I recall, some of the pubs were not in full support."

He suggested extending the area to cover the whole of High Street as well as Wibsey Park.

He said: "The whole process may take anywhere between six and 12 months. That is dependant on if anyone wants to object."

The group are planning to meet Bradford Council's legal team to discuss the alcohol exclusion zone boundaries and to move the process along.