One of the country's most famous landladies is fronting a campaign to encourage licensed businesses in Bradford to recycle their glass.

Rover's Return landlady and real-life pub owner Beverley Callard is the face of Have You Got the Bottle? - a drive to get Bradford pubs, restaurants and clubs to reduce the amount of glass they send to landfill sites.

The Coronation Street actress is backing the campaign to target the more than 600 licensed premises around Bradford and the city's hospitality industry which sends around 10.5 million bottles weighing 3,500 tonnes to landfill sites each year.

Every tonne of glass recycled prevents the quarrying of 1.2 tonnes of raw material and avoids the release of 300kg of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. The campaign is the work of environmental body Recycling Action Yorkshire (RAY).

RAY claims that, in Bradford, only 31 per cent of licensees recycle their glass. If the resulting 3,500 tonnes of glass sent to landfill each year was recycled it would save just over 1,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide being emitted into the atmosphere - the equivalent of taking 344 family cars off the road for a year.

Mrs Callard was chosen to front the campaign because of her on-screen persona and her capacity as a real life landlady. She has a pub in Eccles and recently become landlady of The Gallery, in Hale Barns, Altrincham.

She said: "I'm delighted to have been chosen to front the campaign. My family are all keen recyclers and I'm determined our business will reflect these values. I'll be working with Hydes, the brewery behind my new pub, to make sure we recycle all our glass."

Campaign spokesman Ben Stone said: "The benefits to the environment of this scheme are obvious; glass is 100 per cent recyclable. Despite this, the amount of glass sent to landfill in Bradford is huge. By recycling just one glass bottle you could save enough energy to power a 100 watt light bulb for almost an hour.

"Plus, going green is good for business. Customers are increasingly aware of, and interested in, environmental issues and are supportive of organisations who demonstrate that they care.

"Those who participate will also experience savings. Landfill Tax is set to increase by £8 per year from April 2008, meaning bin lift charges for general waste will increase by around 20 per cent."