Q My job has got busier recently, so last week I thought I'd go in early to get a head start on the day. When I got to the office I let myself in, only to find two of my colleagues in a romantic clinch (and that's being polite!). I made my excuses and got out of there sharpish. I'm so embarrassed I can't face either of them and I know I'm avoiding them on purpose - it's affecting my work. To make matters worse they are both married, but not to each other. How do I handle this?

A Oh my goodnessI would have been mortified if I was you. Then again I would have been mortified if I was them! You know how bad you're feeling, but imagine what they are going through now someone knows their secret; it's not as though they could deny it to you, is it? What you haven't told me is whether you got along with either or both of them before the incident'. If you did then why don't you break the ice? It's going to be a hard conversation to have, but why pretend you didn't see them when you all know you did? Be a grown-up and deal with it. It'll help you get on with things at work more professionally, and it'll give them piece of mind. Just remember - it's not your place to judge their behaviour as you've no idea what else could be happening in their lives to bring them together like this. And make sure you check who's working overtime next time you want to catch up with work!

Q Me and my boyfriend have been pretty much inseparable since we got together four months ago. It's been a wonderful whirlwind and I can't remember what life was like without him. HoweverI recently met one of his close female friends and I can't stand her. She excludes me from conversation, makes plans with him for when she knows I'm not available, and smothers his kids like she's their mother. And that's just for starters! If I don't sort this out soon it's going to come between us, and I refuse to let her put a wedge between us. Help!

A There's nothing worse than a jealous woman! I am talking about her, not you. I bet your bloke hasn't even noticed has he? I wonder what would happen if you pointed it out to himcould you turn it into a bit of a joke the two of you can share together? That would be the best outcome because her attempts to come between you would backfire on her, and wouldn't that feel good? Much better than falling out with him or her! Realistically though, it sounds as though she has been used to having your bloke (and his kids) to herself. What you have to remember is that they may be close', but it's you he's intimate with. And she's going to have to get used to having you around. Don't buy into her game-playing; rise above it and she'll be infuriated. This will be hard at times, but if your boyfriend can see what she's doing and share the joke with you it will bring you two closer, and put some distance between them.