Grieving sister Arzoo Rehman bravely fought back her tears as she paid a big-screen tribute to her gun-victim brother.

The 15-year-old pupil at Nab Wood School, Cottingley, wanted to warn fellow pupils of the dangers of gun crime.

To do it, she put together a film which was shown at an assembly in front students and staff yesterday.

Bradford University student Skander Rehman was gunned down in February in Brackenhill Park, Lidget Green, Bradford. He died of a single shot to the back of his head.

Arzoo's mum, Samina Hussain was also at the assembly, with her 11-week-old daughter Falak.

Mrs Hussain, of Girlington, Bradford, said: "I miss him too much. No one can replace Skander.

"I love my new baby very much, she has given me a reason to pass my life, but without Skander I am very sad.

"Every youngster and every person who sells or gives guns to young people has to know this has to stop. They have taken my son's life and will ruin their own."

Arzoo said: "Skander was mine and my mum's best friend. He held the family together, he was like the big man of the family.

"It's different now he's not here, the house is quiet, it's not the same - even though my baby sister's made it a bit better.

"I want everyone to understand that gun crime is appalling.

"It's not special to have a gun, it's stupid. I wish there were no guns and I'd still have my brother."

Also at yesterday's assembly were Sakib Zarahit and Gulwal Waleed, both 20, who were friends of Skander.

Sakib said: "It's as easy as buying cigarettes. If you have £100 and if you know the streets you can get a gun. This shouldn't happen, it cost Skander his life."

During the assembly, Arzoo was presented with a plaque, commemorating her brother, paid for with contributions by pupils organised by Nab Wood's head girl, Rukhsana Ghulan, 17, with the support of friends.

Pupils are also collecting for Bradford Royal Infirmary's Intensive Care Unit where Skander died.

Feroz Khan, 20, of no fixed address, and Toqueer Ahmed, also 20, of Aberdeen Place, Lidget Green, have been charged with Skander's murder and are due on trial at Bradford Crown Court later this year.