Police have appealed for a man injured in a disturbance in which shots were fired to come forward.

Officers were called to White Abbey Road, Whetley Hill, Bradford, after reports that a man was being attacked by a group of men.

When they arrived there was no sign of the man whom police say they are anxious to trace. They do not know whether he suffered a gunshot wound.

Officers stood guard yesterday by a cordon outside a row of shops, including MJ Jewellers and the Roop boutique, where the incident took place last night.

Five Bradford men, aged between 20 and 35, who were arrested for questioning in connection with the incident, have been released on police bail pending further inquiries.

A West Yorkshire Police spokesman confirmed officers had received reports of a man being attacked by a number of men.

He said officers were immediately sent to the scene but when they arrived there was no trace of the injured man.

The spokesman said: "Investigations are continuing to ascertain exactly what happened. We are anxious to trace the injured man to make sure he is OK."

White Abbey Road, leading out of the city, was partly blocked off by the cordon for most of yesterday as the investigation continued.

Detective Inspector Noel Devine, of Bradford North CID, who is leading the inquiry, said: "One of our main concerns at the moment is to find the man who has been injured.

"At the moment we are still trying to find out exactly what has gone on here.

"We know there was some sort of disturbance and we consider it very important that we find the man who seems to have left the scene injured.

"If anybody has any information on his whereabouts then we urge you to come forward."

Councillor Qasim Khan (Lib Dem, Manningham) said: "There was an incident outside Roop and police smashed a window of Roop to gain entrance to upstairs, I think, where a gathering was going on.

"Apparently somebody had come to find someone else and I think there must have been an argument of some sort. There hasn't been any bother round here for a while. It's an improving area.

"It's unfortunate we get incidents like this because we are trying to get some positive images of Manningham. It doesn't help in our efforts."

Anyone with information about the incident should call Bradford North Police on (01274) 376259 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.