The Wibsey Pub Watch will be holding a meeting on Monday to discuss making the village centre an alcohol exclusion zone.

Licensees will be in consultation with councillors for the area as well as police licensing officers to prevent customers drinking on the streets.

They aim to propose the introduction of a by-law to give the police powers to prevent this happening.

Jason Courcoux, 31, licensee of the Ancient Foresters, on High Street, Wibsey, said the group is trying to promote responsible drinking and safety on the village streets.

He said: "The problem is when customers go between pubs and take their drinks with them.

"Residents are getting fed up of the smashed glass and general nuisance this brings about and at the moment the police do not really have any powers to prevent them."

He said if the by-law was passed police officers will be able to fine people they see drinking in the streets.

He said: "There have been quite a few problems in the Wibsey area with drinking.

"The Pub Watch is trying to curb violence in the area and this will be another way to help ourselves and help the community."

The meeting will be held at the Ancient Foresters at 10am.

Pub Watch meetings are generally held on the first Monday of every month at the Ancient Foresters.

The meetings are held for licensees to discuss problems with patrons in their pubs.