The owner of a garden centre which is isolated because of a broken bridge says he is struggling to stay in business.

Sunny Chana, 24, of Yeadon, has been running Saltaire Garden Centre at a loss since the collapse three months ago of Hirst Mill swing bridge which spans the Leeds-Liverpool Canal.

Customers used to reach the premises in Hirst Mill Crescent, Saltaire, by taking a short journey down Hirst Lane, off Saltaire roundabout.

But since the bridge failed, the centre can only be accessed by a diversion off Saltaire Road, to the bottom of Victoria Road, and along a towpath through the grounds of Saltaire Sports Association.

The track is narrow, causing problems for vehicles passing each other, with a 10mph speed limit and a vehicle weight restriction of five-tonnes.

British Waterways closed the bridge in March after a steel beam gave way and hope to replace it by the beginning of September. But the diversion means it takes longer to reach the garden centre and it has attracted few new customers.

Mr Chana, who only opened his business at the start of last year, said: "I'm not even breaking even, it's really messed things up. Spring and summer are my only windows of opportunity.

"I have a six-month period to pay for my stock for the following year, the rent, tax, water and I'm told I can't do anything about it and there is no chance of compensation.

"I can't even get some of the delivery trucks to come down the lane because of how narrow the road is."

"Before the bridge collapsed it was really easy to access and I would get a lot of new customers. But people who aren't from around here aren't visiting because they don't know I'm here."

Fred Hartley, British Waterways asset and programme manager for Yorkshire, said: "A design for the new bridge has now been drawn up. The cost of overall scheme is about £250,000 and our aim for completion of the work is the end of August subject to the materials being available.

"The bridge over the canal was originally for residential use and was not designed for commercial use.

"We apologise for the disruption which has been caused by the bridge failure but have done our utmost to keep local residents and businesses fully informed of our progress.

"We levelled off the towpath and put up a dozen directional signs to the Garden Centre, as well as improving pedestrian access to the site over Hirst Lock."