The controversy surrounding the proposed conversion of Rhodesway School into an academy showed no signs of fading tonight.

Around 150 pupils, parents and community representatives filled Girlington Community Centre to take part in the consultation process, which will run until July 20.

A panel of representatives from potential sponsors Edutrust, Bradford Council and Education Bradford were there to answer any questions.

The Allerton school has worked its way out of special measures and is now in the top 200 improving schools in the country. For many of those present this seemed to be proof enough that the school should be retained in its current form.

The proposed academy, if accepted, could open as soon as September, 2008.

Justin Wilson, of project management company Tribal, said the academy would provide "opportunities for all; wider specialisms; foster social cohesion and would further build on the existing continuity and provide funding for a new building".

He said the admissions policy would remain the same and no selection process was being considered. However what the panel apparently could not provide were specific details. One parent said he was concerned about the continuity of education should the change be made as he understood many teachers might not accept the move.

"What assurances can you give that there will be continuity of staff levels?" he asked.

A member of the panel stated: "No one can force staff to stay if they want to go. If that was the case we would apply for staff in the usual way."

She added that the last thing they wanted was disruption of pupils' education.

Liberal Democrat Councillor David Ward was one of those who seemed frustrated by the panel's efforts.

He said: "There is nothing you have suggested that the school cannot do already. The people here are not stupid. We need to know how this will improve the school.

"You seem to be torn between saying that things will change and that they won't. We want specifics.

"The head teacher of Rhodesway is working wonders and is the head of the only outstanding school in Bradford. Is he going to go?"

Edutrust denied any plans to replace the head teacher.

On Coun Ward's call for details, a spokesman said: "I do not think it is up to us to give details. We are here to bring clear vision and values."