A deal to minimise disruption during the closure of a main road between Otley and Menston has been hammered out between Leeds and Bradford.

An agreement has been reached between the two local authorities that will mean Bradford Road closing for three and a half months (14 weeks) rather than the five months initially announced.

Bradford Council has also made arrangements with Metro, Leeds City Council and Yorkshire Ambulance Service over the re-scheduling of buses, ambulance cover and putting up warnings on connecting roads.

And a fortnight's-worth of road improvements to West Chevin Road has been brought forward to begin on Monday.

Due to be completed by July 20, that will involve essential resurfacing between Birdcage Walk and Moor Top, with traffic diverted along Bradford Road.

Contractors will move onto Bradford Road itself - near Ellar Ghyll - to carry out urgent repairs to a culvert on July 16, with the road closure beginning on Tuesday, July 23.

Three exhibitions on the Bradford Road scheme will be held - on Friday, July 6, from 10am to 3pm at Otley Civic Centre; on Thursday, July 12, from 10am to 5pm at Menston Library and on Saturday, July 21, from 10am to 3pm at Otley Buttercross.

An information leaflet will go out to residents while advanced warning and businesses open as usual' notices will be going up next week.