Defiant smokers will enjoy a final puff in an Otley pub five minutes before Sunday's ban on smoking in enclosed public places becomes law.

The Junction Inn, on Bondgate, has gained a special licence to stay open until 7am this Sunday so it can hold a one-off, ticket-only smoke in' before smoking in bars (along with all workplaces including cinemas, offices, factories, buses, taxis and trains) is outlawed.

Owner Tony Grey, who is also landlord of the Black Horse Hotel, said: "Ever since Sir Walter Raleigh came back with tobacco, drinking and smoking have become virtually synonymous. But now hard-working, law-abiding people who like a cigarette with a drink will become criminals if they keep doing it.

"We've got the special licence to enable us to stay open until 7am on Sunday so people who choose can have their last legal cigarette in a public house.

"We will be closing the doors at 11.30pm on Saturday and then those with tickets will be able to smoke until 5.55am, as the ban comes into effect at 6am.

"James Barber, the tobacconist, is supplying us with some clay pipes and other smoking requisites for the night."

Proceeds from The Junction's smoke in' will be split between children's charity Wizz Kids and Cancer Research.