A community worker caught behind the wheel was almost twice the drink-driving limit.

Jatinder Singh, of Pentland Avenue, Clayton, was banned from driving for 16 months by Bingley magistrates.

He said he feared it would hit his voluntary work driving a minibus with the Bradford-based charity, Explosion, which supports disadvantaged people.

Singh, who said he also needed his driving licence in his job with a computer company, pleaded guilty to drink-driving a Mitsubishi Shogun in Stoney Ridge Road, Bradford.

He also admitted driving without insurance - his certificate had expired two days before the offence.

The bench fined him £300 with £45 costs and banned him from driving for 16 months.

He was offered a chance to take a driving course which would reduce his disqualification time.

Prosecutor Katy Rafter said Singh was stopped after police checked his vehicle and found it was without insurance.

A test at the police station revealed he had drunk nearly twice the drink-drive limit.

Singh said his action had been completely out of character.