Captain Planet here, the eco-friendly superhero dedicated to saving the planet ... but I need your help!

You know, on my travels throughout the universe I've seen some wondrous sights. But none as breathtaking as the marvellous variety of beautiful trees on your Earth - there truly is nothing in the galaxy to compare. You should count yourselves very lucky.

Of course, trees are not only wonderful to look at, they serve a very important purpose by creating oxygen. They don't call places like the Amazon rainforest the lungs of the planet for nothing.

So it's vitally important that the numbers of trees on Earth are maintained, and increased if it all possible.

Therefore I give a big Captain Planet heads-up to the youngsters at Saltaire Primary School, who have done a great job by planting a range of different trees around the school grounds.

An after-school club at Saltaire has been meeting after school every Monday to raise awareness of green issues.

Well done to the pupils and teachers at Saltaire Primary School, then, as they join the ranks of my Planeteers and help me save the world!

  • Are you doing your best to save the planet? Then send your stories and pictures to me, Captain Planet, Features Dept, T&A, Hall Ings, Bradford BD1 1JR, or e-mail