A teenager who sexually abused a five-year-old girl has avoided being locked up after a judge decided it would not be in the public interest.

Bradford Crown Court heard the 16-year-old from the Keighley area, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, committed the offences last New Year's Eve, when he was aged 15.

Heather Gilmore, prosecuting, said the boy indecently assaulted the girl and told her to join in. The girl did not tell her mother until next day.

The boy admitted what he had done and said he did not know why. He said he felt guilty and regretted what had taken place.

The boy admitted two charges of sexual assault and one of causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity. He was placed under three-year supervision and a Sexual Offences Prevention Order and will be on the Sex Offenders' Register for two and a half years.

The Honorary Recorder of Bradford, Judge Stephen Gullick, said they were serious offences against a small child, but the boy had shown "nothing but remorse" since.

He told him: "I don't think it is right to lock you up. You admitted what you did at an early stage and clearly recognised what you did was wrong."