A hike in charges for the Council's meals on wheels service for the housebound by up to 80p a meal was being considered by councillors today.

All hot and frozen meals provided within the service are delivered by Apetito to more than 500 people. Currently these cost £2.10 for a hot dinner, with the Council subsidising more than 50 per cent of the cost, and £2.35 for frozen.

Proposals to be discussed at the Social Care Improvement Committee meeting are to bump up the charges to £2.90 and £2.50 respectively, making the hot version more expensive.

It is expected these increases could save the Council nearly £115,000 a year. If the plans are approved the price rises would come into force in September.

A report to the meeting highlighted the meal charges in other authorities, saying the Council subsidy for hot meals is "significantly" greater than some.

Examples include hot meals costing £2.85 in Cheshire, £2.90 in Lancashire and £3 in Birmingham.

Frozen meals are not subsidised and about 3,600 meals are delivered to 200 people a month.

There are also ten community luncheon clubs where those attending enjoy around 500 subsidised hot meals each week. The subsidy for the ten clubs was £34,395 last year.

The report says: "They provide a valued community service and are often a catalyst for other voluntary activity promoting social cohesion and health and well-being.

"Luncheon clubs provide support and contribute to the health and well-being of participants."

Apetito, based on Carr Bottom Road, Bankfoot, delivered 7,095 meals in February 2006, this increased to 11,222 by January this year.

Last year the full cost of the hot meals service to the Council was £373,197.

The contract price for a standard hot meal is between £5.07 to £9.60 - meaning at the moment the Council subsidises this to the tune of at least £2.97.

People with moderate needs and above can access hot meals. Those able to meet their own needs for meals are offered the frozen meals service.

Councillors will be asked to agree to the price rises, and to commission a report to look in to the long-term feasibility of providing an effective meals service within the district.