No-one will stand trial or be charged in connection with the death of a 67-year-old man who died after an alleged assault.

Alan Sheard died in hospital after being involved in an incident with four or five youths but at the opening of an inquest into his death today, Detective Superintendent Ian Oldroyd disclosed that no-one will face any charges.

Det Supt Oldroyd said two youths had been questioned but one was released after interview.

A file on the other man was submitted to the Crown Prosecution Service but it advised that he should not be charged with any offence.

"Is it right that no-one is likely to face charges out of this incident," asked Coroner Roger Whittaker.

"That's correct, we are not seeking anybody else in connection with this incident," Det Supt Oldroyd replied.

Mr Whittaker said that Mr Sheard, who lived alone at St Hilda's Terrace, Thornbury, Bradford, had died of head injuries.

The Coroner added that his injuries were consistent with being struck in the face and falling back and hitting his head on a hard surface.

The hearing was told that police had responded to calls saying that a man was laying on the ground unconscious on April 1.

It was alleged that Mr Sheard had been involved in an incident with a group of Asian youths. He was taken to the Bradford Royal Infirmary before being transferred to Leeds General Infirmary where he died the next day.

Mr Whittaker adjourned the inquest for a full hearing to take place.