Brighouse Round Table is organising its second annual men-only five-kilometre charity fun run, to raise funds to tackle cancers that affect men.

Men of all ages and fitness levels are being invited to sign up for the Round Table Run For It at Greenhead Park, Huddersfield, on Sunday, July 22, starting at 11am.

The annual fixture is in the style of the ladies only Race for Life event.

Last year saw more than 100 men take part, raising about £6,000 in the process.

Nigel Watson, Round Table member and event organiser, said: "This year we hope to at least double the amount of people we had last year.

"It might take a bit more encouragement with the men than what it does with the women, but it is for a very good cause and we want to raise a lot of money."

The event is to raise money in aid of Cancer Research UK.

For more information call (07906) 785173 for a form or download one by visiting