A terrified teenage girl was told that she was going to be chopped up by her drunken, knife-wielding attacker, a court heard.

Christopher Moscrop, 26, grabbed the victim by the hair while brandishing a kitchen knife with a 12ins blade and warned her: "I told you I would chop you".

Bradford Crown Court was told that violence flared after Moscrop has been drinking and taking cocaine during an all-night party at his home in Hopkinson Drive, Bierley, Bradford.

Prosecutor Richard Smith said that he had argued with the girl whom he then followed on to Rooley Lane.

The complainant, whose identified is protected by a court order, was with a friend and described how Moscrop was looking "really mad and frothing at the mouth" when he confronted her in the street.

She said she felt really scared as Moscrop produced a small knife and told her that he was going to chop her up.

Moscrop then left the scene but confronted the pair again as they were at the Rooley Lane roundabout.

This time he produced a bigger knife, grabbed the girl by the hair and repeated his threats.

The girl and her friend managed to escape and made their way to the nearby Asda supermarket and the police were called.

When he was interviewed, Moscrop, a delivery driver, said that he had been taking alcohol and cocaine.

At an earlier hearing he pleaded guilty to a charge of affray.

Judge Roger Scott made Moscrop the subject of a 12 months' community order with the conditions that he does 100 hours of unpaid work and attends a stop binge drinking' programme.

Passing sentence he said: "This is a nasty drunken offence involving you producing a knife on the streets of West Yorkshire with which you frightened the two women involved.

"In this day and age there are better things to do with you than locking you up - at least at this stage."

Moscrop, who had no previous convictions, was also made subject to a 12 months' supervision order and told to pay £150 in costs.

Judge Scott warned him that if he breaches any of the orders he will be jailed for eight months.