Patients, staff and the public are invited to attend a conference about improving health care experiences for people being treated at Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

The event will showcase nursing and midwifery projects about delivering patient care and monitoring patients.

There will be displays and presentations and an opportunity to put questions to deputy chief executive and chief nurse, Rose Stephens.

Angela Grange, lead nurse for clinical quality and research, said: "The conference will show why being clinically effective is so important for patient care.

"The day will also be a really good opportunity for the people of Bradford to learn more about what goes on in their local hospitals."

Presentations range from looking at support after pregnancy loss, giving patients information, looking a the insulin pump service and changes in day surgery.

The event takes place in the recreation hall at Field House, Bradford Royal Infirmary, on Friday from 9am to 1.30pm, with lunch provided.

To book a place contact Linda Selway or Margaret Bass on 01274 364860 or email: or