SEABROOK Crisps has had a “fantastic response” in its hunt to find its first official flavour tester, with candidates having until Monday to put their taste buds forward for the job.

The Bradford-based company is searching for a Seabrook champion who will help test and develop the brand’s future flavours before they hit the shelves.

Applicants for the new role need to make a film lasting a minute or less about their favourite flavour, and the top three will all receive a year’s supply, or 384 packets, of their choice.

The final three films will be posted on the brand’s Facebook page for fans to pick the successful applicant, who will also be treated to a VIP tour of the Seabrook factory.

The company’s marketing director, Kevin Butterworth, said video applications had flooded in so far.

“The response has been fantastic, and people seem to love the brand,” he said.

“It’s been an absolute mix. If you could pick a broad spectrum of people in Yorkshire, everyone has got involved. There have been people from the ages of 18 to 65 who have sent entertaining videos in, and it’s been great to watch them.

“It’s been really encouraging to see the love and warmth people have, which is great for us here.”

Asked what the ideal candidate for the role might look like, Mr Butterworth added: “They would have to love crisps, and they would have to love Seabrook.

“We want someone who is passionate about the crisps and the brands that we’ve got, and who has an opinion. They would have to care about the project they’re getting involved in as it will be hands-on, it’s not a 9 to 5, but we would expect that three or four times a year when we are doing product development, they would get involved and be part of the team.

“They would be involved in developing flavours, tasting flavours, and more importantly bringing that consumer voice to what we do.

“We do a lot of taste testing anyway, but having someone on the panel to really champion what people want and like is going to be really good, and hopefully we’ll get some great products off the back of it.”

The company has recently launched a brand new Food Heroes range, including a steak and ale flavour in partnership with fellow Yorkshire brand Black Sheep Brewery.

Mr Butterworth said the successful applicant would be involved in developing similar new products in the future.

“The person would be able to help us with what flavours are on-trend, what people are buying in supermarkets and eating in restaurants, what their friends and family are talking about, and flavours they might have come up with that we haven’t previously thought of,” he said.

“Once we had settled on a specific brief, say yorkshire pudding, lamb, and mint sauce flavour for example, they would help us develop that. The job will obviously involve some crisp-eating, but we want someone who is passionate about what they’re doing, so we get products that are right for the supermarket shelves.”

To enter, applicants need to email their video, including their name, age, contact number and address, to