A BRADFORD landlord has denied leaving tenants in a property with holes in the walls and ceilings and mice droppings in the kitchen.

Waqa Rashid, 31, manager of the flats on St Paul's Road in Manningham, appeared at Bradford and Keighley Magistrates' Court today to enter not guilty pleas to 22 charges of failing to comply with regulations in respect of management of multiple occupancy housing.

The alleged offences, which relate to an inspection of the flats by Bradford Council on July 22 last year, also include broken fire alarms, bare electrical wires, rising damp, leaking radiators, and building rubble and sheets of glass being found in the back yard of the property.

Rashid, also of St Paul's Road, was told he must return to the same court for a case management hearing on July 22, with the case likely to proceed to sentence on that date.