NHS staff in the Bradford district have responded positively to a survey on their attitudes to their job - but some complained about a lack of career progression.

Staff at Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust reported being highly motivated, according to this year’s national NHS staff survey published today.

The Trust performed above average in key areas including staff having an appraisal in the last 12 months and opportunities for flexible working.

Compared with 2014, the Trust has improved its scores in four areas, including fewer staff experiencing work related stress.

The survey identified areas where the Trust did less well, including opportunities for career progression and promotion.

Sandra Knight, director of human resources and organisational development at Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust, said: "Our staff are brilliant and they work hard to deliver the best possible care for our patients and their families.

"It’s great to see such positive feedback on a number of areas, particularly on staff recommending our Trust as a place to work and to get care.

"We will continue to do everything we can to support the health and well-being of our workforce, which in turn leads to great outcomes for those we serve."

Employees of Airedale General Hospital also reported positive views of working for Airedale NHS Foundation Trust.

Over three-quarters of staff said they would be happy with the standard of care provided by the organisation if a friend or relative needed treatment - which is higher than the score for last year and above the national average for acute trusts.

And 75 per cent responded that care of patients is the trust’s priority - an increase of nine percent on last year. The number of staff recommending Airedale as a place to work rose by nine percent to 69 per cent which is eight percent above the average for other similar trusts.

Nick Parker, head of human resources and workforce development at Airedale NHS Foundation Trust, said:

"The results are very encouraging with quite significant improvements across the majority of key metrics since last year’s survey.

"We take the results of staff surveys very seriously and can’t be complacent as although there have been improvements in areas such as staff motivation at work and support from immediate managers – these are areas where we want to improve further."

The areas where Airedale compares least favourably with other acute trusts include staff satisfaction with the quality of work and patient care they are able to deliver; the quality of non-mandatory training, learning or development; support from immediate line managers and the percentage of staff who reported their most recent experience of harassment, bullying or abuse.

For the full results visit www.nhsstaffsurveys.com