FRIENDS are rallying round a young mum and dad to help buy a headstone for their baby's grave.

Tiny Georgia-Lilly Smith lived for just two hours after she was born with no kidneys at Bradford Royal Infirmary last October.

Her mum Ruth Kite, 24, of Wibsey Bank, had been warned what to expect after a 20-week scan showed up the abnormality - she gave birth to Georgia-Lilly 16 weeks later.

Now Miss Kite and the baby's father Matty Smith, also 24 and from Wibsey, want to give their daughter a proper headstone to mark her grave in the baby's area at North Bierley Cemetery but it could cost up to £800.

Miss Kite said: "Georgia-Lilly is very special and we want her to have a proper headstone. At the moment her place is marked with just a wooden cross. We did decorate it with little things but some of them were stolen. We hope if she has a headstone then that kind of thing won't happen. We will be able to fasten things to it properly."

Mr Smith added: "We are thankful for what people are doing to help fundraise for us."

After Georgia-Lilly was born, the couple and their families were able to spend time with her and, after her death, in a special relatives' room at BRI.

Miss Kite said: "Even though it was a sad time, it was a special time too. The hospital was great with us. They gave us a memory box with her hand and footprints in and something to keep a lock of her hair in - she had lots of hair. We took lots of pictures and some videos to remember her by," said Miss Kite.

Friends already made £300 at a 24-hour pool tournament in May at Wibsey Working Men's Club and now they have come up with another idea to help raise the rest of the money needed to buy Georgia-Lilly's headstone.

Friends Vicki Hitchcock, 23, and Sharon Beck, 48, are organising a fundraiser at Wibsey Working Men's Club on Friday, July 17.

From 5pm to 8pm on the day, there will be lots of fun and activities for children who will have just broken up from school for the summer holidays and then from 9pm it will be for adults-only, featuring a Full Monty performance.

"We've persuaded some local lads to brave it - it's all for a good cause!" said Ms Hitchcock. Nearby businesses, from restaurants to beauty salons, have also been busy supporting the event by offering prizes for a raffle.

And she added: "To raise £800 by yourself is a big thing. We just wanted to help our friend."