THIS quad bike was seized by police after reports it was causing days of misery for residents in Thornton.

Officers were alerted to the anti-social use of a quad bike on land off Prospect Street on Tuesday afternoon. The quad had been reported as causing noise nuisance and issues had been ongoing for a few days. It had also been seen used on the road itself as well as onto Thornton Road. Other reports of anti-social quad bike use in the area had also been reported overnight by residents.

An officer from the districts "quad squad" attended the area and located the quad crudely hidden under a cover outside a house. The occupants and the riders were soon identified.

The quad bike was seized under S59 of the Police Reform Act and police say it will likely be disposed of.

The youths responsible for the anti-social behaviour were all given 12 month warnings under the same act and their details passed to the Bradford anti-social behaviour unit.