WOMEN from across Bradford joined groups from other parts of the country to showcase a special project around life and faith.

Groups of women from different cultural and religious backgrounds based at venues including community centres, schools and youth groups, got together to chat about wise women who have influenced their lives, as well as other questions surrounding women and wisdom. Their conversations inspired designs which they then wove into rugs using traditional techniques from the UK and Pakistan. The stunning results have been put together in a ‘Carpet of Wisdom’ which will be touring the UK this year. It will be exhibited in mosques, schools, cathedrals and other centres.

The project was started by Touchstone centre in Bradford. Interfaith worker Jenny Ramsden said: “It aims to bring people of all faiths together to talk about wise women who have inspired them.”

lThe exhibition is open to the public today between 10am and 6pm, at the Banqueting Suite at Bradford City Hall. Individual rugs will be put together inside the Touchstone yurt to form a Carpet of Wisdom’.