BRADFORDIANS wanting to contribute their views on West Yorkshire Combined Authority’s (WYCA) Single Transport Plan (STP) have until the end of Thursday, April 30, to do so.

WYCA has invited individuals and organisations to contribute to shaping the new plan, a 20-year vision for developing an effective, efficient, and integrated transport network for the Leeds City Region, including Bradford, that supports sustainable and low carbon economic growth.

Since last month, hundreds of people have completed an online questionnaire to provide their feedback, with the initial engagement on the STP to be followed by a more formal round of consultation this summer.

WYCA Transport Committee chairman James Lewis said: “We need to invest in the Leeds City Region’s transport infrastructure and services to provide a reliable, integrated network that businesses and people expect and require."

“This will make the City Region a more attractive place in which to invest, work, and live, and employing low-carbon technologies will mean we can achieve this sustainably.”

The questionnaire is available to be completed at, with copies also available from Travel Centres at West Yorkshire’s Metro Bus Stations.