A HEART-attack survivor of Ingrow, Keighley, will stage a charity football tournament in Keighley in June.

Darren Gilmartin (pictured), 45, first held the event in aid of the British Heart Foundation in 2013. Mr Gilmartin suffered a heart attack in 2012 and his father, Noel, died of a heart attack four years ago.

Mr Gilmartin said the latest instalment of the five-a-side contest would take place at midday on Saturday, June 6, at Marley.

“I’m looking for about 20 teams,” he added. “We’ll also be having a raffle, auction, bouncy castle and barbecue at the Great Northern Pub after the tournament.”

People interested in entering teams can email Mr Gilmartin at noelgilmartinmemorial@gmail.com or contact him via his Facebook page.

They should also get in touch with him if they would like to buy tickets for the raffle.