A MAN who headbutted a customer in a pub and attacked another person before punching a third victim several times in a bus station was told he could have been sent to prison.

Jason Dodman, 26, was instead given the direct alternative of a 12-month community sentence with 100 hours unpaid work and six-month alcohol treatment requirement.

Dodman, of Bradford Road, Shipley, had 'fallen off the wagon in a big way' after a cancelled meeting with his alcohol counsellor and could remember nothing of his visit to Skipton on March 20, Skipton magistrates heard today.

He had been drinking in the Cock and Bottle Pub in Swadford Street at around 6pm when his behaviour had led to a member of staff refusing to serve him.

He had grabbed hold of one man and pushed him away, before headbutting a second man, causing an injury to his eye, the court heard.

Dodman then walked to the bus station where racist language was used to a third man, who he then punched six or seven times.

In mitigation, Paul Milner said when Dodman was told by police what he had done, he had expressed disgust.

He said Dodman, who admitted three counts of assault by beating, was a man of very low self-esteem.

Dodman will also have to pay costs of £85 and £50 compensation to the owner of the torn jacket.