ONE of the organisers of a Bradford West hustings event believes democracy was “undermined” as two candidates’ personalities dominated the event rather than issue-based politics.

Ratna Lachman, director of justice and rights group Just West Yorkshire, who chaired the event, said: “Whether the recriminations hurled by Respect and Labour at each other are true, democracy has been undermined in Bradford West as voters are being asked to choose between two personalities rather than policies they stand on.

“It is to the credit of George Grant, Celia Hickson and Alun Griffiths and Harry Bootha from the Conservative, Green, Liberal Democratic and Ukip parties that they presented voters with the policy platforms they are standing on.”

The event was at the Carlisle Business Centre in Manningham on Wednesday. It’s claimed it descended into a war of words between Respect’s George Galloway and Labour’s Naseem Shah.