CONSERVATIVE parliamentary candidate for Shipley Philip Davies has come under fire over a decision to use a quote from a Labour MP on his election leaflet.

The comment was made by then Labour MP Cathy Jamieson in a Westminster Hall debate in the House of Commons on Bradford and Bingley. In it she praises his hard work as a constituency MP and says he has been a powerful advocate for his constituent.

But Ms Jamieson, who is the Labour candidate for Kilmarnock and Loudoun, believes he has misrepresented her comments and said she would never support him as a candidate due to some of his views, such as scrapping the minimum wage.

Mr Davies responded by saying she should not have made such comments if she did not mean them.

“I used something she is on public record as saying. It has been taken from Hansard and is accurate.”

He added that it was simply a comment about his work.