A SMALL group of volunteers cleared litter from Keighley’s Lund Park.

Community activist Fulzar Ahmed teamed up with members of the Friends of Lund Park group for the hour-long anti-rubbish session.

The event was backed by Bradford Council, which provided bags and litter-picking equipment.

Mr Ahmed said: “There was quite a lot of litter to get rid of, especially near the children’s play area. Some of it looked like it had been there a long time. We should all do our best to keep the park clean. We can’t just rely on a few people, it needs to be the whole community.”

Jo Horrox, of the park’s friends group, added: “The clean up went very well, we filled about eight bags full of rubbish. Quite a few people who use the park do actually pick up litter on a voluntary basis, otherwise it would probably be a lot worse.”