FOOTBALL fans across the Bradford district are being urged to help tackle bowel cancer through Football Shirt Friday this April.

The Bobby Moore Fund, in partnership with Cancer Research UK, is asking football supporters across the region to raise vital funds for research by wearing a football shirt in memory of the World Cup winner and former England captain who lost his life to the disease in 1993, aged 51.

Football Shirt Friday kicks off on April 17, but people can raise money in sponsorship or donate to wear their team’s colours with pride on any Friday during April, which is Bowel Cancer Awareness Month.

Lisa Millett, Cancer Research UK spokesman for Yorkshire, said: “Every year, around 3,400 people in Yorkshire and the Humber are diagnosed with bowel cancer.

“So we’re asking football [fans] to put team rivalry aside and unite against a common enemy."

“By supporting Football Shirt Friday and the Bobby Moore Fund, they’ll be helping to tackle bowel cancer – the second most common cause of cancer death in the UK- and show it the red card.”

The inspiration behind Football Shirt Friday comes from one of the most famous images of Bobby Moore at the 1970 World Cup, where he swapped football shirts with Brazilian legend Pelé.

To sign up for Football Shirt Friday or donate go online to