HOUSEHOLDERS in Bradford are urged to be vigilant against rogue tradesmen who could be putting lives at risk by installing dangerous heating systems.

Figures compiled by the Office for National Statistics show that 40 people die needlessly every year as a result of carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning and a further 200 are hospitalised. All types of boilers can emit the colourless, odourless gas.

OFTEC, the UK trade body for the oil-fired heating industry, is urging Bradford households to report any suspected dangerous installations at

Malcolm Farrow, of OFTEC, said: “Every year hundreds of people across West Yorkshire put themselves at risk of CO poisoning by using non-qualified technicians to service boilers.“As households seek to cut back on costs we are concerned that more and more vulnerable people will be put at risk. If you suspect that you have been a victim of a cowboy installer then you can report it to us through our website.”

Cowboy installers give the industry a bad name and unprofessional work can cause serious health problems to innocent victims.”

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