A KEIGHLEY woman is taking on a gruelling marathon challenge in tribute to a friend with kidney disease.

Louise Charlton s planning to run three marathons in successive weeks to raise money for Kidney Research UK.

She will tackle the Manchester Marathon on April 19, the London event the following Sunday and then the Belfast Marathon on May 4.

“I do quite a lot of running and have completed the London Marathon before – in 2013 – but I’ve never attempted anything like this,” said Miss Charlton, 29, a credit officer with the Yorkshire Bank.

Her 30-year-old friend, who doesn’t wish to be named, had a kidney transplant about 13 years ago but will need another.

“She was fine for a while but then her body started to reject the kidney and she is having ongoing issues,” said Miss Charlton, of Exley Head.

“I have spent years watching her undergo operations due to kidney failure and endure countless hospital stays yet she always manages to smile and stay strong.

“She is a real inspiration and makes me so proud to be her friend.”

She aims to raise £500 through donations and sponsorship, and is already close to that target.

Donations can be made at virginmoneygiving.com/LouiseCharlton2.