WEST Yorkshire Police is going digital with new state-of the art machines being installed across the county to interview suspects.

PC John Thornton, of the Suspect Management Unit in Bradford, said it was a great improvement on the old way of working.

He said: “The new digital format is easy and paperless, allowing us to quickly listen back to an interview.

“In the future we’re hoping to be able to share recordings electronically with other agencies, increasing the speed of our processes.

“The money we save can be put towards frontline policing and protecting our communities.”

Assistant Chief Constable Geoff Dodd said it would save the force £15,000 a month on tapes.

He said: “We have rigorously tested the machines. Staff found it helped make the investigative process quicker, smoother and more effective.

“Officers are able to access interviews from any device connected to the force’s network, increasing the amount of time they can spend in our communities.

“The improved quality of audio makes for easier and more accurate transcriptions, with the additional benefit of visual recordings available if needed.

“In the future, it will be possible for officers to record audio and video interviews away from police premises, using a portable version of the new machines.”