THE Green Party is fielding candidates in all the district’s constituencies and council wards for the first time in its history.

Membership of the party has trebled in the region in six months, its bosses have said.

There were 1,500 members across Yorkshire and the Humber in September, which had grown to 4,500 by February.

Councillor Kevin Warnes (Shipley), chairman of Bradford Green Party and parliamentary candidate for Shipley, said the campaign marked a historic moment for the Green movement in Bradford.

He said: “This explosion in Green Party membership and support nationally has been reflected in Bradford where, for the first time in our history, we are fielding a full slate of candidates in every parliamentary constituency and council ward across the district.

“Every person in Bradford will now have the opportunity to vote for a fairer, more equal and more sustainable future.”

The Green Party launched its election campaigns in Bradford and Ilkley with an event in Centenary Square.

Keighley candidate Ros Brown spoke about the need for greater investment in schools, Bradford South candidate Andy Robinson called tax dodging to be stamped out once and for all, Bradford East candidate Dave Stevens said the NHS should be restored to full public ownership and Bradford West candidate Celia Hickson called for the country to accelerate the transition towards clean, renewable sources of energy generation.

Party said campaign teams would now be ramping up their “doorstep surgeries” across the district. listening to residents about their concerns and spreading the Green message.