PUPILS at Dixons Allerton Academy got to experienced the world of TV and film when a multimillion poundpoint piece of kit was brought to the school.

The school worked with the the University of Bradford’s School of Media, Design & Technology department in work for the BBC’s School Report on Thursday.

A university team of six students and two course leaders brought the £1.2 million pound Outside Broadcasting truck to the school, and invited students to film using the modernstate of the art equipment to get a taster of the film world.

Pupils created live films, which included discussions onabout politics, mobile phones and Minecraft, live debates and a weather forecast that were all broadcast online.

Mat Overton, Audio Visual Services Manager at the University, said: “The University’s Outside Broadcasting truck is a complete mobile television production unit that will give the pupils experience of how television is made.

As part of BBC School Report day, the pupils got the chance to try their hand at presenting a live news program, reporting live from location back to the studio and even doing the weather forecast.

“We hope they had a lot of fun producing the show, and that we’ll inspire the next generation of broadcast journalists and television production crew.”