GOVERNMENT inspectors have ruled that a secondary school in the district “requires improvement”.

Ofsted also gave the grading to the quality of teaching and behaviour and achievement of pupils after inspection at Oakbank, Keighley.

But the 1,600-pupil school, in Oakworth Road, won high praise for its leadership and sixth-form provision.

Headteacher David Maxwell accepts there are still areas for improvement, but says students’ achievement in many subjects, particularly English and science, was deemed to be good and improving.

He said: “We are delighted with the progress we are making and are very pleased with the acknowledgement that leadership at all levels across the school is good.

“This recognises the effort and commitment by all staff towards the young people at this school.

“We know we still have areas that require improvement but as a staff team we are working hard to ensure we develop those." areas that we need to in order to improve student achievement.

“One area we are focusing on is our maths results and we have plans in place to improve these.”

In its report, the five-strong Ofsted team which visited the school in late February said attainment standards in maths were below average and the quality of teaching in the subject was variable.

It added that although the quality of teaching generally at Oakbank was improving, it had not been consistently good for long enough to ensure pupils made good progress across all subjects.