STUDENTS from a Bradford secondary school have achieved further success in their latest challenge to reward budding young entrepreneurs, and will now pitch their ideas in front of a former ‘Dragon’.

More than 70 pupils from Years 7 and 8 at Tong High School took part in the Ryman National Enterprise Challenge, an inter-school competition presenting students with real-life business scenarios.

The scheme’s main ambassador is Ryman’s owner Theo Paphitis, former star of the hit BBC show ‘Dragon’s Den’, and the winning team from Tong will now present their ideas to the business mogul this summer.

The team’s challenge, which was set by Ryman, and the scheme’s other partners – The Leather Satchel Company and The Alton Towers Resort – was to design a new bag with a unique selling point in today’s market.

Ben Dyer, managing director and founder of the National Enterprise Challenge, said: “It was a pleasure working with the students. The standard of presentations was among the best we've seen this year.”

The winning bag was called ‘British Invasion’, with the design featuring different compartments that each represented a side of Britain.