A bazaar granted a licence three years ago is looking to expand with an extension that would create 33 extra market stalls.

Bradford Council is being asked to grant planning permission for the scheme, which would mean changes to the Bradford Bazaar's site in Cemetery Road, Lidget Green.

Some existing parking spaces would be lost as a result of the development, but they would be replaced by an additional 44 spaces elsewhere, according to documents to be considered by planners.

The proposal also includes insulating the roof of the bazaar against noise, which it is said will reduce disturbance for others in the area from the business's activities.


Planners have been told the extension would assist the continued success of an existing business, where a quarter of stall holders are first time businesses.

It is anticipated the extension would create at least 33 new full time jobs if it goes ahead.

A report to councillors states: "The proposed provision of specialist retailing meets the demands of Bradford’s Asian population and impacts on retail leakage preventing local shoppers spending outside the district."

A decision will be made later on whether to allow the proposals.