A new forum for digital art has opened in Bradford.

The work, however, will not be displayed in the hushed surroundings of a gallery - but in a hotel.

Cedar Court has named Christopher Dent as its artist in residence at its hotel in Mayo Avenue.

Mr Dent, of Bradford, who describes his work as digital oil painting' said: "I use virtual paints on a virtual canvass. With technology now we can recreate paints and textures digitally. I use a graphics tablet and a light pen to create my work."

Guests will be able to view some of his works during their stay at the hotel, as well as commission portraits from him.

Mr Dent said: "In the US digital painting is quite established but to my knowledge I am the only one in Europe doing it."

He admitted there is some resistance within the artistic community to the technology.

"It's just one of those things," he said.

"When people started producing ready mixed oil paints and acrylics some people were up in arms about that.

"What I like about the medium is that there is no mess and you don't have to wait hours for the paints to dry. I can work faster and alter the size of the image afterwards."

Rebecca Smith, events organiser at Cedar Court, said: "We will be holding a portfolio of examples of Christopher's work for our guests to peruse when they visit the hotel.

"We were so impressed with the portraits of Emmerdale's stars we're considering naming one of our suites The Emmerdale Suite and including some of Christopher's portraits in their honour."

Last year Mr Dent produced the first digital portrait of a Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress of Bradford when he was selected to produce the official portrait of Councillor Choudhary Rangzeb and his wife Zahida.

Some of the proceeds of the charity auction will go to the Lord Mayor's Appeal.

One piece will not be on display at the hotel, however. A portrait of Manchester United boss Sir Alex Ferguson will be auctioned off on the internet.