THESE haunting posters will be catching the eyes of dog-walkers by day and by night.

Dog fouling tends to happen mainly at night, as irresponsible owners believe they can’t be seen under the cover of darkness, according to the organisation Keep Britain Tidy.

So these new glow-in-the-dark signs are going up across the district to remind people to pick up after their dogs, even when they think they can't be seen.

The posters are the first to use a cutting-edge material which ‘charges up’ during the day to glow at night.

Keep Britain Tidy's poster campaign, called We're Watching You, began in many areas of the UK last year, after a pilot scheme showed dog fouling rates nearly halved when they were put up.

It is now being rolled out across the Bradford district, with support from Bradford Council.


Councillor Andrew Thornton, Bradford Council’s executive member for the environment, said: "We know that the public perceive dog fouling to be by far the most unacceptable and dirtiest type of litter.

"The vast majority of dog owners are responsible people, who habitually pick up after their dog and dispose of the poo bags correctly, either in the nearest bin or disposing of them in their own household waste bin.

"We are thrilled to be working with Keep Britain Tidy, and being a part of such a cutting edge campaign. We hope that we will see the same results as the local authorities who have already signed up to the campaign."