CAMPAIGNERS against a proposed 270-home development at Cote Farm, Thackley, are urging its opponents to quickly lodge any fresh objections as the plan has now gone to appeal.

Persimmon Homes have lodged their appeal with the Secretary of State against Bradford Council planners' refusal to grant planning permission for building on the greenfield site beside Leeds Road.

The deadline for any new objections to be received by the government inspector heading the appeal procedure is tomorrow, Thursday, March 19.

Isobel Burgess, of the Cote Farm Action Group, said there was still time to email any new objections or to repeat previous declarations against the controversial proposed development.

"Let's come together - we've done it before and we can do it again," Miss Burgess said.

"We are urging everyone in the area to act together right up until the last minute.

"Volunteers have leafleted more than a thousand homes in Thackley and have also put information on Facebook and Twitter about how to contact the government inspector."

The Cote Farm Action Group claims the extra cars brought by the development would cause severe traffic problems on Leeds Road and so many new families would put great strain on local schools and infrastructure.

Ward councillor Jeanette Sunderland has backed the group's campaign from the start and said she had never known such a strong level of local opposition.

"And I would appeal to them to make their voices heard," Cllr Sunderland said.

Persimmon Homes declined to comment on their decision to appeal against refusal.

Anyone wishing to contact the government inspector either in favour, or against the Cote Farm can do so by email to with comments including your name and address. The appeal number 15/0019/APPFL2, the reference number APP/W4705/W/14/3001692 and Land at Cote Farm, Thackley, Bradford.