Fire chiefs have issued a warning after an aromatherapy oil burner caused a bedroom fire today.

Two Bradford crews were called to the blaze at a house in New Hey Road, East Bowling, at 12.44pm to discover the burner had ignited cardboard video boxes which in turn had caused a television and video recorder to catch fire.

Smoke alarms had been fitted but neither was functional and the occupants of the house, who were downstairs, were unaware of the fire until it took hold.

A fire service spokesman said: "If people are going to use these kind of oil burners they must not be left unattended. If you leave the room they must be extinguished.

"I would also like to emphasise the importance of regularly checking your smoke alarm. This property had two alarms but one was in the wrong place and the other had no battery.

"All homes should be fitted with alarms and they must be checked regularly, once a week. If anyone has any queries they can phone us on our free advice line on 0800 587 4536."