PEOPLE who receive E-cigarettes for Christmas are being warned to not let their festive season go up in smoke.

West Yorkshire fire service said the devices’ rechargeable batteries could explode while being charged –mainly because the wrong types are being used.

The service has been to eight incidents involving E-cigs this year, but believes there have been many occasions when firefighters have not been called.

Fire investigation officer Sean Fearon said: “I would like to stress to the vaping community that we are not attempting to ban e-cigarettes. Consumers have a right to expect that electrical products brought into the home are safe to use and do not create a potential fire hazard.

"We are working with trading standards to ensure that products available on the UK market comply."

with all relevant legislation.

“However, it’s important to note the majority of fires we have seen have been caused by the use of inappropriate chargers. No legislation is going to prevent a fire being caused by a consumer using a charger that is not correctly rated to their battery type.”