MORE than 150 pairs of socks and bars of chocolate have been donated to a Christmas appeal by the Rotary Club of Bradford West.

The club is supporting Bradford Soup Run’s Chox and Sox appeal, and handed the donations over at a Rotary Christmas lunch.

John Tempest, of the Soup Run, which supports homeless people in Bradford, said: “Like last year, they have come up trumps and we are very grateful for them providing chocolate and socks so that those who have little can benefit.”

Anne Raine, of the Rotary club, said they were aiming to collect one bar of chocolate and one pair of dark-coloured thermal socks for every one of the 250 homeless people expected at the Bradford Soup Run’s Christmas meal.

She added: “It has been an absolutely brilliant start. We have had about 150 pairs of socks and about 150 bars of chocolate. We have also had some money coming in and have given £250 to the cause as well.

“We want to get the extra 100 chocolate bars and pairs of socks before the deadline.”

Closing date for donations is December 18. For more information, or to donate, e-mail or call (01535) 272780.