Treasures by candlelight are on offer to Bronte fans during an after-hours museum visit.

The Bronte Parsonage Museum is taking part in the national Museums At Night event on Friday.

Education officer Sue Newby will give people a guided tour of the parsonage’s rooms by candlelight, before collections manager Ann Dinsdale lets visitors have a rare close-up view of valuable Bronte items in the library – including manuscripts, pictures, and objects owned by the family during the 19th century. Sue said: “It’s the Haworth 1940s weekend so we will be speaking about things that happened during that time of the parsonage.

“We know a lot about the Mitchells who were living here during the 1940s.”

The event begins at 9pm and costs £15. E-mail louisa.briggs@brontë. or call (01535) 640188 to book a place.