Checking, switching, insulating. These are the buzzwords behind the Big Energy Saving Week campaign which aims to help people slash their energy bills by taking simple steps.

A joint project between organisations including the Citizens’ Advice Bureau (CAB), the Government, the Energy Saving Trust, Age UK and other charitable and voluntary groups, the initiative focuses on helping people to cut their bills and receive any financial support to which they may be entitled.

“It focuses on checking, switching and insulating,” says Matthew Cawley, consumer empowerment partnership officer for the CAB in Yorkshire. “We are encouraging people to check their bills to see if they are paying what they think they should be paying.”

He advises to take a reading at the beginning of the month after a bill has been paid, and again after a couple of months to find out monthly usage. “This can be compared against estimated bills or monthly payments.”

“We also suggest people check their bills against those of people living in similar circumstance such as on their own. Speak to friends and neighbours to make comparisons.

“If your bills seem too high there may be a problem and checks might be needed to ensure that your supply and meter are working properly.”

Confusion is often a barrier to switching providers. “Many people don’t know who to approach and some are unaware that you can switch,” says Matthew. “There are various ways of doing it – getting in touch with your provider or checking on price comparison websites.

“For people who don’t have internet access, speak to a family member, neighbour or friend, or visit a library, the CAB or Age UK, who will have someone to help. You can also find out whether any financial help may be available.”

More than half of adults in the UK admit that they will have to curb their spending this year to cope with household bills, a CAB survey showed. Of those, 37 per cent said they would be looking for ways to reduce the amount spent on gas and electricity.

It is vital that people stay warm. There were some 3,000 preventable deaths in Yorkshire last winter linked to cold weather. Those with a disability or on a low income may be more vulnerable to cold-related illnesses, according to medical experts, who say it has been proved that cold homes can have a significant impact on health.

The third push of the campaign focuses on making sure your home is energy-efficient and that people are energy aware. “For example, if they have a large loft, try to make sure it is insulated to stop heat escaping,” says Matthew.

Helping people to get the income they are due, and to deal with fuel debts, is an increasing need in our district, says Keith Nathan, chief executive of Age UK Bradford & District, which has been running a benefits and pensions take-up campaign which has claimed more than £1,400,000 for local people since July 2012. “That averages more than £45 a week extra per claimant.”

The charity’s Starting Point team provides and connects people to services, support and activities including benefits advice. Says Keith: “The team helps people in fuel poverty by negotiating with their providers.”

He adds: “Our insurance trading team can help people to see if our Age UK/Eon fuel deals could save them money. It is best to bring a recent bill so that comparisons can be made.” These services are free.

Age UK’s Helping Hands service, which is currently either free or has a small change, can help with simple but effective measures to help keep out draughts and heat in.

Councillor Kevin Warnes, of Shipley Green Party, said: “There are lots of small changes we can make to improve the energy-efficiency of our homes, such as putting in draught excluders and more energy-efficient lighting. Installing proper insulation will dramatically reduce heating bills. And, if this is possible, installing solar power and solar hot water panels on your roof can cut your electricity bill by more than 50 per cent. My panels cut my electricity bills by 53 per cent in the first year.”

He adds: “For anyone who wants to spend their hard-earned cash on much cleaner energy, it is easy to switch energy supplier to green energy companies like Ecotricity, Good Energy or Green Energy.”

For more about Age UK Starting Point, call (01274) 391190; for insurance, call (01274) 371832. Both are based at Age UK’s drop-in shop at 32 Kirkgate, Bradford. For more about Helping Hands, call (01274) 728259. CAB is at George Street, Bradford (0844 2451282).