Closure-threatened public toilets in Haworth, are projected to cost more than £31,000 to run during 2013/14, according to figures released by Bradford Council.

The costs were provided in response to a request from Councillor Glen Miller (Worth Valley), who along with his two ward colleagues, is opposing Council plans to axe the Central Park toilets to save money.

The total cost of the park toilets compares with a 2013/14 projection of £33,848 for the public toilets outside the Bronte Parsonage Museum, which are not earmarked for closure.

Bradford Council is arguing that it needs to make difficult decisions in order to balance its budget. It has said closing some public toilets across the district would save £210,000 a year.

But opposition to the proposal again surfaced at a meeting of Haworth, Cross Roads and Stanbury Parish Council. Coun said closing the toilets showed no logic.